IASD Update – 2019


Hello my fellow scribes and welcome to what will be the only update of this year. I couldn’t let 2019 pass without saying something about our group endeavours.



As I’ve mentioned in the past we are full of good intentions when it comes to producing anthologies, but let’s face it, life gets in the way. Nobody is to blame if they don’t develop.

Our attempt at a second collection for the Macmillan Cancer Support organisation faded away even after a brief revival of interest by several of us. To forestall any further PM queries in that direction … it is no longer on the cards. We produced one, it’s good, and hopefully, it raises funds.

What else went by the wayside?

Sylva Fae

Our children’s anthology was a great idea. We had some good stuff lined up, including illustrations, but with the best will in the world, and all the support we could muster (which is quite a bit), those of us who were involved were appraised by Sylva of the serious issues with the project.

By its nature, a children’s book needs pictures, which we were producing, but it’s not an eReader friendly publication. In a nutshell, it was a superb idea, but it would have been a lame duck … far too expensive to make it worthwhile.

Did we succeed with any 2017/2018/2019 anthology plans?

Thank you for your patience … yes, we did succeed. Our horror anthology was postponed like the other collections, but with ‘grim’ determination we produced Depths of Darkness. Ten of us got together and compiled fourteen tales of psychological horror … sorry, no zombies, vampires, shapeshifters or their kin. (They are available in our Author brochure).

Obviously, our horror stories are good … which goes without saying. Sincere thanks to one of our resident witches, Melanie P. Smith, who used magic to blend, format and publish all manner of sordid situations to better frighten the bejesus out of our readers.

I will be producing a separate post on anthologies at some point in the next week or two.


We drifted up to around 360 members during 2019 but armed with a variety of word snares, investigative techniques, and a sprinkling of bloody-mindedness I reduced our number to 207. As a group, from the outset, we have stressed we are not available to be abused by freeloaders. Yes, by all means, advertise your writing, or if you read, but don’t write, tell us about it. If the admin becomes aware that you are hitching a marketing ride, we will dislodge you. There are two tools available to check the activity. We don’t expect members to make daily visits or to write lengthy comments, but one behaviour* will not be tolerated.

*Self or ‘read my book’ marketing and no other activity.

What right did I have to remove members?

Apart from a serious number of incidences of the aforementioned ‘freeloading’, there was a considerable number of ‘brought in by a friend of a friend of a friend in 2017’ and suchlike. I had no problem with those people, but 40 of them had never made an appearance in over a year.

Featured Author

We’ve now existed as a group since mid-2014, and I believe we all deserve a cough-inducing, spluttering, slap on the back for the integrity we demonstrate in living up to our group name. Almost fifty authors have now been featured on our Facebook page and the next one is coming soon.

On behalf of those who are behind the scenes, thank you all for your continued support, whether it be a like, a heart, a comment, a post, or even buying into somebody’s writing.

Lest I forget, I have added a sub-menu of IASD Anthologies under Interesting Stuff, so there are links to our three anthologies.

Individually, we’re pretty good, but together we are awesome.


21 responses to “IASD Update – 2019

  1. As ever, thank you, Tom and all the other IASD magicians who make this group happen. I love being accepted as part of this community – through my good times and bad.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. You do an absolutely smashing job on the admin side, Tom, as do all the other admins in different ways. And yes, totally agree about the membership policy … it would have been easy to let the numbers grow to ridiculous proportions, but having seen that happen in other groups, it usually results in any individual post immediately being lost among a dozen more within the hour and not getting any attention at all. As things stand, the group remains an immensely useful and interactive one, and somewhere I can turn to whenever I need help with some writing issue or simply a bit of inspiration (not to mention a great source of new reading material lol).

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Well said, Tom. Another huge thank you to the admins who do such a great job on our behalf. What a brilliant group. Life would be dull without you all. I hope I can post this – I’m not a member under Rebecca Bryn 🙂

    Liked by 4 people

  4. Yes, indeed, thank you Tom and all the admins for the work you do. It truly is a superb group of writers wiling to help each other with all manner of queries. So thank you, too, to those who provide responses to queries posted by those of us who struggle.

    Liked by 3 people

  5. As always, I continue to be inspired by this group. You admins are amazing! Technical skills alone leave me in awe. I’m pleased that the author of the month will continue. I was so honoured to be one of the 50! Have read so many books from this group, people I would probably never have come across except for this group, now among my favourite authors and ones I recommend to other readers. I also agree with Paul about not getting so big that individual comments get lost. Looking forward to 2020 and more good reads!

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Thanks, Tom, to you and all the Admins, for all you do. It’s still one of my favourite groups with lots of helpful and inspiring members. A good gardener must continue to keep the weeds in check, without necessarily using pesticides. A hoe is often sufficient. See, now you can see all the lovely flowers.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Tom, I agree all the Admins do a marvellous job. I’ve always had practical answers to writing-associated questions, and I do my best to help others. IASD is more than author support; it’s a group of friends who celebrate one-another’s successes and rally around in times of trouble.

    Liked by 1 person

    • You’re right, of course, Sarah, and it’s the friendships rather than the ‘likes’ seen in some other groups that make the difference.


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